The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships is a Pontifical Association of Christ’s Faithful recognized by the Holy See according to Canon Law. In requesting such a recognition, the Communities of the Catholic Fraternity were motivated by the desire both to assure a greater dialogue and collaboration among themselves and to deepen their communion with the Successor of Peter as an element of their Catholic identity.

In granting this recognition, the Pontifical Council for the Laity encouraged all members of the communities belonging to the Catholic Fraternity to commit themselves to giving renewed vigor to the Catholic expression of the renewal in the Spirit. In addition, the Council expressed its great hope that the recognition of the Catholic Fraternity would intensify the apostolic activities and the response of its member communities to the appeal of the Holy Father for a new evangelization of the world.

In its statutes, the Fraternity “identifies itself with the graces of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and is a structure for the Renewal” and “is called on to establish bonds of fraternal charity and collaboration with the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services for the good of the charismatic renewal in the Catholic Church.”

Currently, there are 116 member communities or fellowships in over 220 countries throughout the world organized into continental Regions. There are 15 members and 14 associate members in the North American Region that includes Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The United States members are: Alleluia Catholic Fellowship (of the Alleluia Community) in Augusta, Georgia; Christian Community of God’s Delight in Dallas, Texas; City of the Lord Covenant Community in Tempe, Arizona; Community of God’s Love in Steubenville, Ohio; Comunidad A.M.A. Association in Brownsville, Texas; Comunidad Católica Hispana Deleite de Dios in Dallas, Texas; Comunidad Incienso Vivo in Dallas, Texas; Glory to God Covenant Community in Topeka, Kansas; Mother of God Community in Gaithersburg, Maryland; Mt. Zion Catholic Community in Montrose, Michigan; New Creation Community in Virginia Beach, Virginia; People of God Community in Nanticoke, Pennsylvania; and YAI Community (CIVI office) in Phoenix, Arizona.

For more information about the Catholic Fraternity, go to: